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Middle-earth artist at book fair

2015-08-11 14:28|来源:shanghaidaily|admin|

APPEARANCES by renowned Spanish authorEnrique Vila-Matas and “The Lord of the Rings” illustrator Alan Lee are amonghighlights of the Shanghai Book Fair, which opens on August 19.

More than 30 guests will share theirthoughts and ideas during the Shanghai International Literature Week, part ofthe Shanghai Book Fair.

Vila-Matas will be signing copies of hisworks, including 2010’s“Dublinesque” on August 22 at the Shanghai Exhibition Center.The 67-year-old Barcelonanative will feature at reading events at Sinan Mansions, on August 22 and 23.

Englishman Alan Lee, who is also 67, hasdesigned dozens of fantasy books, illustrated the centenary edition of JRRTolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings”.

He was also lead concept artist for PeterJackson’s “Lord of the Rings” films and also worked on the subsequent “TheHobbit” movies.

Lee will be sharing secrets of Middle-earthwhen he meets fans at Sinan Mansions at 1:30pm on August 19.

Three English reading events are also beingstaged in Shanghai Library on August 19, 21 and 22 at 7pm.

The fair is open from 9am-9pm at Shanghai Exhibition Center.Admission is 10 yuan (US$1.6), 5 yuan after 6pm.

It runs until August 25.

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